Often policy, guidance and services are designed and changed without consideration and input from disabled people. Incorporating the needs of disabled people early prevents issues and exclusion. It saves organisations time, money and resources and increases diversity and inclusion.
We provide a comprehensive review service where an individual or group of disabled people will review your products, services, policies and processes and provide a written or verbal account on how they can be strengthened by disability best practice and insight. We unearth hidden areas of direct and indirect discrimination that may be not be obvious to drive inclusivity.
Food Aid Network
The product review can take place either in real time, where you will share the product with the individual/group of participants and collect feedback in real time, or the review will be completed and then feedback will be provided at a later date either written or verbal.
Product reviews typically take place online via Microsoft Teams and last up to one hour.
Please contact info@disabilityconnect.org.uk for more information.
You will be asked to complete a registration form where a detailed proposal for the product review will be constructed for your consideration.